Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How Much Do I Dilute Green Soap By I Sprayed My Tomatoes Plants With Soap, Is That What Killed Them?

I sprayed my tomatoes plants with soap, is that what killed them? - how much do i dilute green soap by

They were good, with some black bugs (about the size) of the chips, so I sprayed with diluted soap and the first went from green to black. Well, they fade.


crash said...

after spraying with soap later have to be sprayed with clean water for 20 minuets as burns Soap Plant

Sword Lily said...

Laundry soap, even diluted, are the ingredients that are probably too harsh for plants.

You can baby shampoo, hand dishwashing detergent (not easy the way the dishwasher. Chlorine present) or a dog flea and tick shampoo or diluted in a hose end sprayer (1 cup of soap for 20 liters of water) or a bottle of soda. I use only a capful of shampoo, soap / bottle of soda.

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